
Start your own Vyper project

Twig lets you write tests using web3.py and pytest-ethereum against your Vyper smart contracts.

Twig setup

  • clone twig repo
  • python -m venv venv (note: requires >=python3.6)
  • . venv/bin/activate
  • pip install -e .

Project setup


contracts/name_registry.vy and tests/test_name_registry.py have been included as examples on how to get started, but are safe to delete.

def my_contract_package(deployer):
    # returns an ethpm.Package instance loaded with a "my_contract" deployment on the ethpm.Package.w3 instance
    return deployer.deploy("my_contract")

def my_contract(my_contract_package):
    # returns an my_contract web3.contract instance to test against
    return my_contract_package.deployments.get_instance("my_contract")